Punjab, region of eastern Pakistan. It is circumscribed by the Indian territory of Jammu and Kashmir toward the upper east, the Indian conditions of Punjab and Rajasthan toward the east, Sindh region toward the south, Balochistān and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa areas toward the west, and Islamabad government capital range and Azad Kashmir toward the north. The common capital, Lahore, is situated in the east-focal locale, close to the outskirt with India. The name Punjab signifies "five waters," or "five streams," and means the land depleted by the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej waterways, which are tributaries of the Indus River. Punjab is Pakistan's second biggest territory, after Balochistān, and the most thickly populated. Region 79,284 square miles (205,345 square km). Pop. (2011 est.) 91,379,615.

Urban human advancement existed in the Indus River valley from around 2500 to 1500 bce, when, it is trusted, Aryan invasions conveyed it to an end. The range entered written history with the extension of Punjab and Sindh to the Persian realm by Darius I (c. 518 bce). The originator of the Maurya administration, Chandragupta, fused the locale into his Indian realm around 322 bce. The principal Muslims to infiltrate northern India were the Arabs, who in 712 ce vanquished the lower Punjab. Whatever is left of the Punjab was vanquished (1007– 27) by Maḥmūd of Ghazna. The region in this way went under different other Muslim rulers until the triumphant section of the Mughals in 1526. Under the Mughals the territory appreciated peace and thriving for over 200 years. Their energy declined after 1738, be that as it may, and in 1747 Lahore fell under feeble Afghan run set apart by rebellion and turmoil. The religious order called the Sikhs rose to control in the last piece of the eighteenth century. The Punjab went under British occupation in 1849, after the British triumph over the Sikhs in the skirmishes of Chilianwala and Gujrat. At the point when the Indian subcontinent got its autonomy in 1947, Punjab was part amongst Pakistan and India, with the bigger western segment winding up some portion of Pakistan. The present common limits were built up in 1970.

Punjab's territory for the most part comprises of an alluvial plain framed by the southward-streaming Indus River and its four noteworthy tributaries in Pakistan, the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, and Sutlej waterways. The general incline of the land is from upper east to southwest, however it ascends in the zones between waterways. The alluvial plain has a decent variety of landforms: its dynamic floodplains are overwhelmed each stormy season and contain changing waterway channels, while wind floodplains lying adjoining the dynamic floodplain are set apart by relict and deserted channels. In the northern parts of the territory are the Murree and Rawalpindi and the Pabbi slopes, some portion of the Sub-Himalayas, and in the far north is the Potwar Plateau. Despite the fact that the area is a customary floodplain, the remarkable flooding of the Indus River in the late spring of 2010 was particularly grievous in Punjab, where a great many individuals were influenced (by a few appraisals, one-portion of all Pakistanis influenced were in Punjab). The administration's inability to alarm people in general of the approaching debacle inspired much feedback; some felt that authorities, having had past experience taking care of flooding there, ought to have possessed the capacity to furnish Punjabis with additionally cautioning.

Punjab lies on the edge of the storm atmosphere. The temperature is for the most part sweltering, with stamped varieties amongst summer and winter. In the plain the mean June temperature achieves the mid-90s F (mid-30s C), while the mean January temperature is in the mid-50s F (low 10s C). The normal yearly precipitation is low, with the exception of in the sub-Himalayan and northern ranges, and declines extraordinarily from north to south or southwest, from 23 inches (580 mm) at Lahore in east-focal Punjab to only 7 inches (180 mm) at Multān in the southwest.

Punjab is the most crowded territory of Pakistan, containing the greater part the nation's aggregate populace and a few of its real urban areas: Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Multān, and Gujranwala. There is significant country to-urban relocation in the region, particularly to the bigger urban communities. In religion, the area is altogether Muslim, with a little Christian minority. Punjabi is the primary language of the colossal lion's share of the populace. The principle composed dialect is Urdu, trailed by English. The real ethnic gatherings are the Jat, Rajput, Arain, Gujar, and Awan. The standing framework is step by step getting to be noticeably obscured because of expanding social portability, intercaste relational unions, and changing general assessment.

Farming is the main wellspring of wage and work in Punjab. A significant part of the territory once comprised of forsake squanders that were negative for settlement, yet its character changed after a broad system of water system trenches was worked in the mid twentieth century utilizing the waters of the Indus tributaries. The zone of settlement, which had some time ago been constrained toward the north and upper east, was augmented to incorporate the entire region, and now around seventy five percent of the territory's cultivable land is flooded. Wheat and cotton are the vital harvests. Different yields developed incorporate rice, sugarcane, millet, corn (maize), oilseeds, heartbeats, organic products, and vegetables. Domesticated animals and poultry are brought up in substantial numbers.

Punjab is one of the more industrialized territories in Pakistan; its assembling enterprises deliver materials, apparatus, electrical machines, surgical instruments, metals, bikes and rickshaws, floor covers, and handled nourishments. Pakistan's primary north-south street and railroad interface Lahore with Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, toward the north and with the sea port of Karachi toward the south. Punjab is associated by street or railroad to India, China, and Afghanistan, and its significant urban areas are connected by street. Lahore's airplane terminal gives local administration. The University of the Punjab and the University of Engineering and Technology are situated in Lahore, as are different schools, exhibition halls, libraries, and social focuses.


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